somatic & spiritual care

Massage, Craniosacral Therapy, and Reiki can benefit people of all ages with all sorts of conditions and health goals. These modalities are incredible for boosting the immune system, reducing pain, improving sleep, healing from injury and surgery, stimulating circulation, boosting mood and energy, and releasing adhesions found in muscle and fascia (chronic or acute).


Relaxation Massage


A combination of Swedish massage and myofascial techniques to promote harmony and tranquility of the body and spirit. Through deep relaxation the body and the nervous system rebalance and optimal health is restored.


Craniosacral Therapy

CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a gentle modality that releases deep adhesions held within the nervous system and body. CST helps to relieve pain, reduce imbalances, and boost overall health and performance. It is incredibly impactful for those who have experienced emotional or physical trauma, anxiety, depression, learning differences, chronic pain, and more.


Deep Tissue & Wellness Massage

Deep tissue and wellness massage focus on problem spots and physical challenges that you’re currently working with. This treatment is a personalized combination of Swedish massage, deep tissue, myofacial techniques, and may incorporate Craniosacral Therapy. The treatment is outcome focused and will include a treatment plan.



In-Person or REmote

The word "Reiki" translates to Universally Guided Energy. Though it comes from Japan, many cultures share a similar belief and celebration of this same energy force. Reiki is a modality focused on restoring balance and vitality to the energy system. Often restrictions and imbalances interfere with the natural and healthy flow of energy through the system. This has powerful physiological and emotional effects and can be done in person or remote.

Click here to Book A Distance Reiki Session