grief training

- for the healers -


You can only sit with someone in their sorrow, their grief, their hopelessness at the same depth that you can sit with yourself in this. 

So, you’re a healer. 

Welcome. I am so grateful to meet you and to see you here. 

Here, committed to your physical, emotional, spiritual healing. Here, so deeply called to service that you are willing and courageous enough to do your own work. Here, offering your life to the creation of a more kind, loving, beautiful one. For you and for all those you love and are in community with. 

Thank you for being HERE

Since you’re here, you probably already understand the connectedness of your own healing journey with the way in which you can show up to serve. You know what it feels like to try and offer this care to others when you are depleted, exhausted, and under nourished physically, emotionally, and spiritually. You conceptually know how important it is to be well resourced but it can be difficult to find the time, to know where to turn, and to prioritize this care. 

This program is designed specifically for you. 

As healers, it’s essential for us to have our own professional team of support. We simply can’t do this work on our own and we were never meant to. We need to be deeply resourced ourselves to cultivate strong medicine and skillfulness in our craft. We need to let ourselves be held by other healers in the community to build trust, to grow, and deepen as individuals and strengthen as a community. We need to be so committed to our own healing that what we offer becomes a natural outflowing of how we live our lives.

Many who are drawn to end of life work and healing work have experienced significant loss and/or trauma in their own lives (or are anticipating it). These experiences need attention and care in our own healing so we are not triggered and brought off of center as we support others. As healers, we need to cultivate our capacity for compassionate neutrality and the highest quality of presence for ourselves and our clients. 

Thank you for listening to the call towards this work. 

Thank you for committing to this life of service. 

May you know how cared for you are. 

May you know your strength in the shadow of strong fear. 

May you know the depth of your love in the presence of hopelessness. 

May you know your connectedness when you feel totally alone.

May you live in truth, in peace, in joy, in care and in service.


who is it for?

This program is designed for passionate, committed, intuitive healers. Healers, therapists, doulas, coaches, soul and blood family caregivers, and end-of-life workers who understand that their personal healing is inseparable from the quality of care they provide. This 12-week program is specifically designed to invigorate, support, and nourish you so you can deliver the deepest presence, most intuitive care, and highest quality service to the clients who need and are seeking you.

You’ve already taken the courses, you’re already qualified for the work. The hangup is not in your credentialing or your qualifications, it’s in the depth you can go within yourself. It’s the quality in which you can meet your own shadow, your own grief. It’s your capacity to surrender, to trust others, and to be held yourself. This is an essential part of the work, YOUR work, that needs to be integrated into our lives so we may have greater impact on those we work with.

meeting you where you’re at

There are three ways to work together


The Awaken program is perfect for existing practitioners ready to dive deep into grief work. Whether you have an existing client base or you’re getting started but have some training around grief support, death doula work, or other therapeutic models, this track will deepen and widen your skillset, building your competence and confidence.


The Elevate program is designed to build on the above by supporting you in either launching your practice or taking your existing practice to a new scale. In three months we will focus on clarity, creativity, and expression. We will get you focused on your why, on your offerings, on your ideal clients, on your packages and pricing, and on your mindful marketing strategy.


The Prosper program is about spiritual and business mastery. We are going to diver into business and creative development (as described in the Elevate program) while supporting our spiritual practice and evolution, as well. This means we will be doing your personal trauma work to release limiting beliefs that are blocking your prosperity and abundance.

for end of life workers & grief tenders

Learn more about the death doula mentorship program


I’m Alyssa Rose

Let’s walk awhile in the wilderness.

I am Alyssa Rose.

I am a Portland based grief tender and end of life doula, standing at the threshold of life’s most profound transitions. It is here, in the rubble, where we can see ourselves and our path clearly. It is here, where everything becomes possible and rebirth is possible. It is here where total collapse is also a real threat.

In this space of liminality and transition, we have the opportunity to come to know ourselves intimately and to take more accountability for our lives. It is here, where we choose how to now love that which we’ve been separated from. It is here, where deep contemplations can support our development into the people we are proud to be-coming.

As an End-of-Life Doula, Integrative Grief Tender, Massage Therapist, and Reiki Practitioner, I support my clients and their soul/ blood families through conscious change, aging, dying, and grieving. I also educate and support healers as a part of their professional healing team to effortlessly and confidently offer their strongest medicine yet.

Born and raised in Michigan, I now make home in the enchanted PNW. Between the ocean and the mountain, I find inspiration and nourishment in the Columbia Gorge, alongside the wild Pacific ocean, and through the ancient forests surrounding Portland. I work with ceremony and ritual in my own life and co-create these experiences with my clients. 

I am committed to holistic and integrative grief care, tending to the spirit, body, soul, and community. I am committed to creating a grief literate culture that emboldens us to feel deeply, live well, cultivate trust in our communities, and grow in our strength as individuals and communities to carry, TOGETHER, the collective experience of loss and love as humans in this lifetime.


what is it?

This is 12 weeks of 1:1 healing sessions with the option to extend with future in-person retreat and ceremony work available. It’s that easy, to change your life and to change the level of care you effortlessly offer your clients.

We will work together to identify old traumas and unhealed wounds that are impacting you now. We will walk through an array of powerful processes to reprogram your subconscious in these areas, to support deeper clarity and connection to your truth, and to invite more ease, confidence, and joy into your life and into your work.

start the conversation

View availability & book a thirty minute call to learn more and connect.


Let’s do this.

Fill out the form above to get started.

If you questions about the program you can email: