for the mamas

- grief tending through postpartum -



to all who nurture, who dream of nurturing, or who carry the weight of nurturing in their hearts. This space is for you.

To the Future Mamas

Your journey of longing and hope is sacred. The grief of waiting, of uncertainty, of dreams not yet realized - I see you, and I honor your path.

To the Expecting Mamas

As new life grows within you, so too does a new version of yourself. I acknowledge the bittersweet farewell to the person you once were, even as you embrace the mother you're becoming.

To the New Mamas

In the whirlwind of sleepless nights and endless days, I recognize the profound transformation you're undergoing. Your grief for your former self, your old freedoms, and your shifted identity is valid and important.

To the Experienced Mamas

As your children grow and change, so do you. I honor the ongoing losses - of stages, of connection, of the mothers you've been before - that come with each new phase.

To The Child-free and Child-less Mamas

Whether by choice or circumstance, your journey is a profound texture in our tapestry. I honor the complex emotions you may carry - the grief of roads not taken, the weight of societal expectations, or the bittersweet freedom of your path. Your nurturing spirit and the children you may have dreamed of are acknowledged here. Those you aunties, friend, teach, and support are deeply impacted by you. The projects, businesses, art, creations, and offerings you gift the world are sacred. 

To the Grieving Mamas

Your loss is profound and your pain is seen. Whether you've lost a child during pregnancy, birth, infancy, or later in life, your motherhood remains. I honor your grief, your love, and the unbreakable bond you carry. This space holds room for your sorrow and your strength.

To Our Inner Mothering

To all that most be re-mothered within us. To the grief we have in what we had longed for from our mothers and did not receive. To the parts of us that need extra tender love, care, and connection even as adults, we honor you, we hear your cry, we turn towards you. 


We've heard of postpartum depression and anxiety, but what about postpartum grief? What about the grief that comes with every stage of motherhood? It's time to slow down, to acknowledge, to integrate. It’s time to create spaces to feel all the way through what we didn’t have time, space, or a container strong enough to hold all of us in. 

Here, we create space for your grief. I invite you to honor it, to let it teach you, to let it transform you. For in the depths of grief, we find our greatest strength, our deepest wisdom, and our most profound capacity for love. 

Join me 

For 12 weeks of tender care and deep reverence. Through gentle rituals, nature-based practices, and heartled healing, we will walk together on a  journey of healing and transformation, honoring the purity of the grief and joy experienced through these times.

Whether one-on-one or in small groups, we will develop a safe space for your unique maternal grief journey.

Through personalized healing sessions and intimate group work, you'll:

  • Learn to recognize and honor your grief in all its forms

  • Develop rituals to mark your transitions and losses

  • Connect with other mothers in a supportive, understanding community

  • Integrate your grief into your journey of motherhood, allowing it to enrich rather than diminish your experience

  • Explore creative channels for your unique expression of grief 

  • Design and commit to a gratitude practice that elicits joy and celebration 

  • Integrate practices of play, joy, beauty, grace, peace, and harmony into your daily lives.

Remember, dear mamas: your grief is not a burden to be shed, but a testament to the depth of your love and the magnitude of your journey. Let's explore it together, with gentleness, courage, and grace.

Ready to begin? 

Book a 30-minute heart to heart with Alyssa to start your healing journey.


for those celebrating & those grieving

These packages are custom designed to the unique needs of each family.


packages may include

Birth story processing

Somatic, emotional, energetic, and spiritual support for mother, child, partner, and family

Rite of passage ritual for mother, family, child

Support in the home

Altar & ritual work

Self care guidance and practice

Gratitude, play, and pleasure practices

Day & night companion care

Meditation, relaxation, mindfulness practices

I’m Alyssa Rose

Let’s walk awhile in the wilderness.

I am Alyssa Rose.

I’m a grief tender.

I tend grief. All forms of grief. Specifically, grief associated with what Francis Weller describes as “The Five Gates of Grief”:

- Everything we love we will lose

- The parts of myself that have not known love

- The sorrows of the world

- What I expected and did not receive

- Ancestral grief

These five gates of grief are wildly active through pregnancy, labor, postpartum, and beyond. They demand and deserve our tending. Leaning into these gates allows us to pave the way for the inner peace and the ecstatic joy we long for. Leaning in to these gates helps us understand the depth of our belonging and to activate the care we long for. Leaning in to these gates connects us to deep soul work that has the power to heal us on all levels and change our world.

My grief counseling and ritual work is informed and inspired by Sobonfu some, Frances Weller, Stephen Jenkinson, Joanna Macy, Laurence Cole, and many more. My offerings are rooted in nature-based practices, integration work, trauma-informed coaching, grief ritual, parts work, animist psychology, body work, energy work, and intuitive guidance.


Let’s do this.

Fill out the form above to get started.

If you questions about the program you can email: